Your Inner Compass
This inspiring Artwork was created around the time of the December 2024 Summer Solstice, following a shamanic healing session with a dear friend of mine @honestflow. It was the seed of our collaboration for the Day Retreat 'Your Inner Compass' Day an event to celebrate the awakening of our Soul Purpose held on Saturday 22nd February 2025 October ( tickets available at
The Starbeing is androgenous and guides us to Anchor the Light into our bodies and raise our frequency to a higher level ; to find our Soul purpose and realign to an authentic path.
As with all my artworks, Sound Healing opens the gateway of the Third Eye and creates a connection with my Guides and Angels. The energy of New Earth is embodied within the painting and we are reminded we are the divine link between Earth & Stars.
The Starbeing holds a personal and powerful vibration and heralds the beginning of a new direction, of finding your "true North" and following your heart.
Meditating on this image helps to open your Heart Chakra and connect with your Soul guidance.
Acrylic on canvas
If you require P&P, please contact Samantha to confirm shipping costs.